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Brossage des dents

Maintaining good dental hygiene


At home

Brosser les dents de son chat régulièrement (au moins deux fois par semaine) est nécessaire pour maintenir une bonne hygiène bucco-dentaire. Due to its mechanical action, brushing helps to limit the accumulation of dental plaque and therefore the formation of tartar responsible for the development of bacterial infections and various pathologies.


This type of treatment may seem far-fetched, or even unthinkable to carry out on a cat. However, dental brushing is an act regularly carried out on wild animals in captivity (orcas for example) in order to contribute to their good health. It is therefore entirely possible to do the same with your little feline companion through appropriate training and an approach.


The procedure consists of exercising a mechanical cleaning action on the teeth using a brush suitable for cats and a specialized toothpaste for cats (therefore edible).

  • Soft non-slip mat

  • Dental training finger cots

  • Special cat toothbrush

  • Special cat toothbrush with silicone tip for gingival sensitivity|| |84

  • Dentifrice spécialement conçu pour chats

  • Cat treats (learning)

  • Patience and kindness


The session must take place at the cat's homein a quiet place. Indeed, cats aresensitive aux bruits et peuvent se retrouver rapidement dans un état de stress, alors que le travail n'a pas encore débuté. 

For the grooming session to take place, you will be asked to prepare ahigh place(table , counter) on which the catis allowed to climb on a daily basis.

Dès l'arrivée à votre domicile, une première approche et un premier contact avec le chat sont effectués. 

Very important:do not pick up your cat to make introductions, but leave him free to adapt to the new human presence.

Pour plus de détail sur cette étape : cliquez : HERE.

Adopter assistance is requiredduringthe entire grooming procedure.Its role is only to distribute well-being to its cat: treats (if authorized by the veterinarian or the adopter), caresses, sweet words, games, etc.,so thatthe experience is as pleasant as possible. 

Nothing unpleasant or unsafe is required.


During the entire grooming procedure,le chat est manipulé avec douceur pour éviter le moindre stress et des pauses régulières sont effectuées if the animal shows signs of discomfort or irritation. 

Throughout the session,personalized advice on tools and good grooming practicesare given to you to improve the effectiveness of the daily care carried out on your cat and make it more pleasant.

We offer prices and packages adapted to the number of grooming treatments to be carried out and the number of cats involved. You will find all the detailed information by clicking on the button below.

Paris and certain com| ||178munes de near suburbs.


Depending on the area of ​​intervention, additional costs may be billed. For more information, click: HERE. 

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